Monthly Archives: July 2021

The Blame Game


When my children were very young, they would sometimes have conflicts or disagreements. Sometimes, those conflicts devolved into one sibling hitting another or saying very hurtful, ugly words.

When we sat down and talked about what happened; very often, I would hear these excuses: “He made me so mad” or “she was being unfair” or “she made me do it!”. Teaching my children that they were each responsible for his or her own actions was a lesson that I had to reiterate over and over.

Nowadays, grown ups are saying similar things.

If life hasn’t turned out the way they wanted or someone isn’t as successful as they would like to be or they have a slew of broken relationships; they blame everyone else but themselves.

You can watch these stories on the news almost everyday.

Blame someone else so you don’t have to take responsibility for yourself. Blame society. Blame politicians. Blame the country. Blame parents. Blame the church.

Galatians 6:4-5 says this: Don’t compare yourself with others. Just look at your own work to see if you have done anything to be proud of. You must each accept the responsibilities that are yours.

Each of us has a responsibility to the Lord to carry our own load, to handle our own responsibilities and to walk the road that the Lord had laid before us.

The Lord knows our struggles. He knows our weakness. He knows our circumstances. He, also, gives grace and strength as we take on our yoke of responsibility. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

At the end of our lives, we will each give an account to the Lord for OUR OWN LIVES; not the actions of others. (Romans 14:12 & 2 Corinthians 5:10)